Prayer Chain

Prayer Chain

This email prayer chain is for people with a connection to Louisville Area Emmaus or Cornerstone Chrysalis communities. By joining our prayer chain you will also receive our community newsletter “Talk from the Walk” and timely reminders about community happenings.

Who can join?

  • Anyone with a connection to the Louisville Emmaus or Cornerstone Chrysalis communities may join. This includes people who went on walks or flights in the Louisville area, even if they no longer live here, and people who walked or flew in another community and now live in the Louisville area.
  • Even folks who’ve attended “Fourth Day” weekends such as Tres Dias, Cursillo and others are welcome as long as they are now active in our community!

Want to join?

  1. Go to the Google Group page
  2. Click on “Apply for membership”
  3. Use the drop down box choice to register your email preferences
  4. Enter your name and Walk Number/Location to verify Fourth Day Membership
  5. Click “Apply to Join this Group” blue button.
  6. Please add to your address book right now, so emails don’t go to spam!

Already on our list?

To send prayers or announcements to the group, send a carefully worded e-mail to

You must be a member to send messages to the group!

For additional help with Google Groups such as managing your email address and preferences, visit Google Groups Help

What is appropriate for this prayer chain?

Ask yourself the following question:

“Does my prayer request involve me or someone I know or the Louisville Emmaus/Chrysalis community?”

If you can answer “yes” then submit your prayer request.

What is not appropriate for this prayer chain?

There are so many things going on in the world that invite our prayers….

  • There are children in Bosnia who are starving.
  • There are wars in the Middle East.
  • Missionaries need help in Africa.
  • There are storms and droughts and wildfires in the USA.

All these things deserve our prayers, but they are not appropriate for this prayer chain.

Need to leave the group?

  1. Visit
  2. Click on “My Groups”
  3. Click “Leave Group”